Tuesday, March 4

What is mixed media? Does my shop qualify?

It's a good question, and I'll refer to the Wiki for a common meaning.

Wiki says:

Mixed media, in visual art, refers to an artwork in the making of which more than one medium has been employed.

Mixed media tends to refer to a work of visual art that combines various traditionally distinct visual art media. For example, a work on paper or canvas that combines paint, ink, and collage could properly be called a "mixed media" work [...] Many interesting effects can be achieved by using mixed media. Often, found objects are used in conjunction with traditional artist mediums, such as paints and graphite, to express a meaning in the everyday life. In this manner, many different elements of art become more flexible than with traditional artist mediums.

For more info and links:

Monday, March 3

New Members!

Interested to Join the Mixed Media Etsy Team?

Email yinsouciant@gmail.com

Please include the following info:
Location (optional)
Etsy User Name
Etsy Shop Name
Blog/Website URL (optional)


Hey there! This thread stemmed from another thread regarding sharing ideas/thoughts/techniques about Mixed-Media.Then I had a thought... a mixed-media team!I looked through them, as did some others, and we didn't find a pre-existing team that was focused on mixed-media. I thought it would be a neat way to network with each other, share resources and ideas, and promote!So, who would like to be a part of this? I already have a few takers... ;)I would be happy to submit the application to Etsy, so all you would have to do is say, "Count me in!" and we'll be on our way!~ MaRi ~